Before you can come on Monday or Friday to receive food, you must FIRST register with us, receive Circle of Hope Client Card with ID Number, & assigned Monday or Friday to receive food. During December Due to Holidays, Registration is only on 2ND TUESDAY of month 9-10:30am. Click on First Time button above for details.
As our biggest fundraiser of the year, your involvement in this event is key to the success of Circle of Hope Community Center's ongoing mission to provide food, resources, and hope to our neighbors in need. We appreciate all your help in making this event a success. Thank you for your support!
Golf Tournament Winners
First Place Tournament Winners:
Scott Schenk, Jay Anderson, Scott Foust, & Jeff Foust
Second Place Tournament Winners:
Lee Busby, David Rodriguez, Chas Cornett, & Eric Rodriguez
Third Place Tournament Winners:
Joel Minix, Kevin, Jeremy, & Maurie
Men's Longest Drive Winner: Jay Anderson
Women's Longest Drive Winner: Brenda Ruiz-McFarland
Closest to Pin Winner: Gary Elliot
Closest to Pin Winner: Kevin Hay
Closest to Pin Winner: Scotty Schenk
Closest to Pin Winner: Brian Starcich
Best Dressed Winner: John Holloway
Worst Team Winners: Nate Steere, Chris Townsend, Greg Barber, & James Domey
Visit our Facebook Page at
to see more pictures and videos from our Golf Tournament.